The Process:
It is always our goal to give the customer exactly what they want while being as minimally invasive as possible to their lives, their families, their schedules and their property. In order to do this, we have created a system that helps us define the job clearly and price the job accurately. It goes something like this…
The Walk Through - First, we like to walk the property with the owner to geo-tag the area that is to be mulched. This will give us a clear understanding of the amount of acreage for the job. During this walk through, we will find out what trees or underbrush the client wants to save and what they want to have removed. We will also be taking note of the terrain and ground conditions in order to prepare an accurate Job Estimate.
The Job Estimate - After the walk through, we then provide a Job Estimate based on all the information made available to us. You can read about our pricing model below. If the client wants to move forward, we will then schedule the job for a period of time that is best suited for them and us.
The Work - When we first show up to the job, we will walk the property with the client again and clearly tag each tree or section of underbrush that the client wants to keep. This ensures that we will never remove “that beautiful birch” or the “100 year old black oak” that the kids love so much. The job then begins and we do our thing!
The Cost - Once the job is complete, we will total all Real-Time Working Hours spent on the job. If the Real-Time Working Hours are less than the Job Estimate provided to the customer, we will only charge for the hours worked. If the Real-Time Working Hours are greater than the Job Estimate provided to the customer, we will only charge what is on the Job Estimate. Basically, once we give you a Job Estimate, you may pay less but you will never pay more!